There’s been a lot of understandable frustration directed at pandemic panic-buyers stripping the shelves of toilet paper, hand sanitiser and pasta. I’ve shared this frustration myself which, at times, has given way to derision and a fair amount of judgement. But the more I thought about it, the more I figured my judgement wasn't helping anyone. If anything, it was making the situation worse because it was creating further division (sensible, virtuous shoppers versus panic-buyers) in a community that needs to come together more than ever.
I began to ponder what the rest of us can do to help the fear-driven stockpilers among us so that they feel safer and therefore less likely to panic-buy. Seeking to understand them instead of judging them seemed like a good place to start.
A Prayer for Panic-buyers
God of Comfort
Some of us are freaking out
and we're turning to tangible things
like toilet paper
canned beans
and packets of baby wipes
to settle our jangled nerves
and regain a sense of control
for this virus, which steals into our cells,
is rather a lot like fear,
tricking us into believing its lies
and replicating panic –
panic that fosters division among us
shopper against shopper,
neighbour against neighbour,
when the truth is,
we’re stronger together.
As Covid-19 casts its shadow across us,
redirect our gaze, O God,
away from false refuges
away from fear
and back to the light of truth:
There is enough.
We have enough.
You are enough.
May you soften our hearts towards the stockpilers
(who really are only afraid)
and release our judgement
which only serves to divide.
In these turbulent times,
may your peace enfold our world.